Accounting Fundamentals for Employers, Employees & Entrepreneurs

  • Author: Tonio Farrugia
  • Level: Advanced
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Lesson series
Learn to read, understand and analyze financial statements.

What You Will Learn

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  • You will be able to read, understand and analyze financial statements.

  •  Be able to tell the difference between profit and cash

  • Understand a balance sheet!

  • Define the accounting equation, which is the foundation of accounting.
    In the 3rd, 4th, and 5th sections/modules we will be looking at the different forms of business that an individual can set up, and at some of the most important accounting rules. In sections/modules 6, 7, and 8 we will be looking at the financial statements before proceeding with the analysis of financial statements through accounting ratios in section 9.

Course Details

Visualize yourself with this skill set that is crucial to the management and the corporate world. You will learn how to analyze financial statements and effectively contribute during work meetings or as an entrepreneur. This course embraces the idea that accounting is a significant factor in business. So you will learn financial literacy skills you will need to spot current and future opportunities. Whether you are an entrepreneur, an employee, or an employer, this course will help you level up. If you occupy a middle management post and need to understand what the organization you work with is trying to achieve, then this is the appropriate course to follow. This course is also suitable if you are a prospective MBA/Technology management student who needs to be introduced to accounting before making a deep investment. This course uses minimal complex accounting jargon unless necessary, so you can fully engage. Metaphors and stories are used to help stir your imagination and to facilitate understanding. The learning experience this course offers is scaffolded so that you can build on concepts one at a time and lessons build upon the preceding ones. 

Course Type: Instant

About Author  Tonio Farrugia

After graduating from the University of Malta in Banking, Finance, and Management in 1997, I occupied various executive positions with several privately held companies. My work experience ranges from wine-making to food and drink and from pharmaceuticals to furniture. I got my Masters in Business Administration degree with Distinction from Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, Scotland in 2015.

I am passionate about personal and corporate finance-related topics and seek pleasure in assisting others to improve their financial wisdom and vision.

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