Warning this is a fast-paced course. Source code is included and its suggested that you try the code between the lessons to get more familiar with it. Code samples and explanations on what the code does - and demos of the code in the browser.
What you'll learn:
- JavaScript Fundamentals
- Applying JavaScript in a project Game
- Core JavaScript Skills
- Adding JavaScript to your HTML page
- Running JavaScript code in your browser
- Variables and assigning values.
- Functions and running blocks of code.
- Arrays and Objects - how to hold multiple values in one variable.
- Loops and iterations
Conditions and ternary operator to apply logic within coding.
DOM - selection of elements from the webpage
- DOM - adding event listeners like click to page elements.
- How to create a GAME at the end - last 2 lessons you can apply what you learned to create a fun dice roll game. Dice rolling game see who wins - display results on the webpage.
- How to Create dynamic page content and page interactions with event listeners.
Source code is included step by step so you can copy the code try it out and get a feel for what JavaScript is capable of.